For most of us, 2020 has been a strange year. With the ongoing pandemic, chaos has been nothing short of present for us all. But, at Stada Energy, we won’t let that stop us from counting our blessings! This year, our solar experts in the Coachella Valley would like to share with you the top 3 reasons we are grateful for what we do—helping our customers go solar in the most streamlined fashion!
Reason 1: Solar Helps Our Clients Save Big!
At Stada Energy, we put the needs and comfort of our clients first—and that includes their finances, too! When you choose to switch to solar, whether for your home or business, we know you’ll save big! Clients who own their solar panel systems can take advantage of the federal solar tax credit, which is 26% for those who have a solar system installed by December 31, 2020. Additionally, our clients who make the switch to solar reap the immediate benefits of saving big on monthly utility bills.
Reason 2: Our Clients Benefit from Greater Demand When Selling Their Homes
According to research, the value of a home with solar can increase by nearly 4% when compared to homes without solar. Of course, the percentage fluctuates in each state and each area of California, but what we have noticed is the undeniable increase in demand for homes with solar. Natural disasters, like the wildfires of California, have caused many homebuyers to seek more eco-friendly homes. According to a Zillow senior economist, more than 80% of prospective homebuyers state energy-efficiency features are crucial when selecting their next home.
Reason 3: Solar Helps Reduce Our Carbon Footprint
By making the switch to solar, you can join Stada Energy in our efforts to reduce fossil fuel demand, ultimately shrinking your household’s carbon footprint. According to various research, solar can eliminate the amount of carbon emissions that would occur from burning 5,000 pounds of coal every year.
Be Grateful for Solar—Call Our Coachella Valley Solar Experts!
When you choose to work with our Coachella Valley solar experts, you join Stada Energy in our mission to go green! Reap the benefits of financial savings and guarantee your peace of mind by reducing your household’s carbon footprint! Have more questions? Give us a call and let our solar installation experts in the Coachella Valley help you!
Ready to make the switch to solar? Call Stada Energy and let us provide you with a 100% FREE consultation!